SketchUp 的熟练程度在多大程度上可以转化为其他 CAD 软件?

SketchUp 技巧会很有用,很多功能在 3D 中都是一样的。您只需要重新记住新软件的图标和工具名称/功能,并学习新的工具/功能。鼠标导航与大多数 3D 软件几乎相同。
SketchUp skill is useful for related software, but not terribly useful for most professional production software, and it can teach some really bad habits.
SketchUp is a 3D great sketching tool, arguably the best 3D sketching tool. It is built not to do high accuracy complex modeling, but to play with shapes. It does that well. It is a coarse tool designed to see how various volumes work, and what gross changes do to them. SketchUp is lacking in a process hierarchy and parametric constraints. Adding them will make it more complex for most users, and lessen its utility as a sketching tool. More production oriented 3D tools rely heavily on those tools, and they’re very VERY useful.
Skill in SketchUp translates very well to other programs that do similar early design work, such as FormIt. It does not translate well to unrelated styles of 3D design software.
SketchUp is kinda like construction paper and tape. You can pretty rapidly pick it up and make some shapes. If you play with it enough, you can even make some pretty cool stuff, but it’s not the same as a wood shop that you can make a fancy dovetail jewelry box with. The construction paper is great for figuring out how big you want the jewelry box to be, and start to extrapolate some design ideas, but it’s not really going to produce a saleable finished product.
Most design software is designed to actually do something with the data. Software such as Fusion360, Inventor, Solidworks, Creo, Revit, Chief Architect and ArchiCAD are used to model a thing, and then use the data in the computer model to actually BUILD that thing. That means that they deal with 3D things in a highly realistic fashion which allows you to see how parts go together, and interact with them. Some of those tools use similar tool methodologies to SketchUp, but they expose much more complex relationships and ways to manipulate the objects and their relationships than are vaguely possible in SketchUp.
The tools you used to tape together the craft paper aren’t going to be terribly useful when you start to cut up pieces of wood or metal to build something. You can certainly try to cut a piece of hardwood with an kiddo-safe scissors but a saw is going to be a better tool.
In training people who have started off their 3D modeling with SketchUp, I have consistently run into problems because people have not learned to think through 3D design as a “real” design problem and they “just want it to be easy” — When you move a wall in a building, other things might move too, in ways that you don’t want. Production Design software has tools to deal with those sorts of changes in a “smart” way so that your changes more appropriately impact related elements. SketchUp is “easy” because it doesn’t (and can’t) do that.
If Architecture or injection mold pattern making was “easy” folks wouldn’t need to study for years to get halfway competent at them. Good designers just make it look easy.
更强大的 3D 制作工具确实会让你思考东西是如何工作的——因为这就是设计,而不是仅仅将一些不会真正留在原地的块拼凑在一起,然后让其他人弄清楚如何制作它。

I like to call SketchUp the edible crayons of 3D.众所周知的 $AnyIdiot 可以捡起它并做出一些形状。 You can even make some really pretty art, and do a lot of crazy stuff with it. But at some point, most folks move beyond crayons, even if it’s only a step to pastels, or charcoal, and start to use tools that give them more control over what they’re creating.技术笔、绘图规则和三角形。 There’s a place for crayons, but they just don’t work well on a drafting table.

Story time – A while back I was brought into a project to manage the production model in Revit while the lead designer worked in SketchUp making client requested changes. The design was 90% done, I needed to scratch build the Revit model and create the blueprints while they made minor adjustments. They were VERY good with SketchUp, I learned some great tricks from them. But it took them longer to make changes to the SketchUp model than it did for me to entirely build the more complex Revit model AND to create the construction document set. I did more complex work, faster, and at higher accuracy using a more apt tool. SketchUp is great for some fast visualization, but past that it’s the wrong tool.
众所周知,Sketchup 非常易于学习和使用,在这方面它确实为工作流程和可用性设定了标准。
然而,与 Rhino 或 Max 相比,它的工具集是有限的。在这些课程中,您将学习如何创建更易于转移的扫掠和放样。
SketchUp 教您基础知识,您绝对可以用它构建一些非常酷的东西。但是,毫无疑问,它的工具集是有限的。
许多人不需要从 SketchUp 毕业到其他建模师,因为它可以轻松完成他们需要的一切。但是,对于那些这样做的人,您可能会发现学习曲线比您预期的要多一些。